Pack of Four - Full Chat Sessions
Just bring yourself, a little open-mindedness, and your pet or a picture of him or her looking into the camera. Here, you’re buying a pack of my most popular offerings--four one hour long in-depth session done in person or virtually, wherever you are in the world. In each chat session, we do a seriously deep dive, and you and your dog walk away with a deeper understanding of one another and practical, implementable steps to resolve behavior, health or life transitions concerns.
We cover home dynamics, favorite things, body scan, and any questions you have. With medical issues, I do not diagnose; I relay messages your dog shares with me.
Pack of four is perfect for:
- the dog person who wants more than just a one-and-done session
- the person who wants to follow up about an ongoing issue over time, like once per quarter, or seeking more support while working on resolving a specific concern or life transition
- the pet parent with multiple animals, who wants to give each pet the full, exclusive session it might want rather than squeezing multiples into one
- anyone loving a special value!